Wednesday, August 06, 2008

These are a two notes from a couple that I have known for many years, They are from Sweden but live in New York now together with a camel called Stan.

Notice how their dreamdays are pretty well syncronized!

Frida would like to get up pretty early, around 8 or so. Preferably with a breakfast outdoors. She would have sandwiches with (a strange combintion-but I have never tried....) honey and redcurrants and a cup of tea. No company except the morning newspaper. (if well planned, Jonas could have that morning swim right here...)

The day would then continue with different activities, like for example picking mushrooms in the forest, sewing or walking. Something simple really, but absolutely no shopping! Maybe together with the family.
Then lunch and after that take a rest and maybe read a book. Maybe also some afternoon "fika" ( coffee/tea and something nice to go with it)

The night would be spent together with friends and a nice dinner. Things that Frida does NOT want on her dreamday are: shopping and phone calls...

Jonas would also like to get up early. If it is summer he would like to take a swim and then have a big breakfast out in the sun with "filbunke" (hm, how do I translate that, a special kind of yoghurt made at home I guess.) and juice.

After that Jonas would like to play golf and have an expensive golf lunch at the club. ( I guess this would be while Frida is out in the forest picking mushrooms..)

After coming back home, Jonas would like to cut some wood and after that take a swim again. After that he would like to read a comic book in the hammock followed by afternoon "fika" with newly-baked buns.

In the evening: Preparing a bbq with marinades, sauces etc. Maybe also grill some corn. After dinner preferably playing cards, sauna and a swim again...

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