Thursday, February 12, 2009

Cómo Sería tu Día Perfecto- Dreamday Stickers Ready to Strike

My favorite children´s book as a child was Barbapapa. I was so amazed about this strange figure who did not seem to fit in anywere. Or that is what it seemed like at first when he was kept in a cage in the garden because he was too big to fit inside the house. But one day when there was a big fire in the little town, Barbapapa got to show his unknown skills. It appeared he could transform himself into anything he wanted to. This time he became a ladder and saved the children that were trapped inside a burning house. Othertimes Barbapapa transformed himself into a boat and took the family over rivers and lakes. By finding his own and hidden talents Barbapapa finally became at ease with himself. He would always be different, but when not trying to be like everyone else, the greatness of Barbapapa would finallly be understood.

Now the time has come for the Dreamdayproject to transform itself into a new shape. This time into a Dreamdayproject sticker. The future is unknown but the first target was the fridge in Calle 12 Sur.

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