Wednesday, May 13, 2009

A Dream (Thurs-)Day Outfit

New habits were quickly formed as the swine flu hit Mexico a couple of weeks ago. In the school where I work, we all had to wear those mouth covers in class. That was before the school closed for a week. (It is impossible to have a normal conversation wearing one by the way!)

Those mouth covers have been funny to follow; At first they were just blue and plain. Everybody seemed to be wearing the same ones, and it was nothing more than a simple mouth cover. However, pretty soon people didn´t seem to like the fact that they all looked the same; I guess they wanted to express their personalities somehow. And so they did through their mouth covers.

Some people wore home made versions (made out of a dish cloth for example). Others went for more stylish ones in elegant white, made out of exclusive fabric. I even spotted a few ones that looked like gas masks with a small ventilation in the front. I think those were worn by very serious people, probably with good market connections. And then there were of course the individualists; the ones who started to make drawings on their masks, for example a moustache or a big smile.

This week all the classes have been running as normal again and the mouth covers have disappeared (I almost miss them!) and instead the "gel" era has begun. You can now find an antibacterial gel in every reception or at the counter in various cafes. At my school the students must stay in line to have their hands cleaned with this gel before entering the classroom. Who knows if all this really works, but I guess we all need to have something to believe in.

Tomorrow it is Thursday again by the way; that is pink t-shirt day as you might already know. I forgot to tell you last time that the five day uniform that all the teachers must wear, also includes pants and shoes in different colours; Pink t-shirt is supposedly best combined with grey pants and black shoes. It is my boss´s favorite combination he told me, so I assume Thursdays have become somewhat of a dreamday to him...

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